Year 4 Maths – W/B 1st June 2020

Lesson 1 & 2

These 2 lessons will focus on Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100. You may find it useful to access the following resources on MyMaths. Use the school logon and then search for Multiplying and Dividing by 10 and 100 – complete the lesson by clicking the numbered pages on the right hand side. The resources below may help.

Lesson 3

In this lesson you will be learning to multiply a one or two digit number by 10 and 100.

Lesson 4

Today we will be looking at decimal numbers and decimal equivalents!

Lesson 5

Spend this lesson improving your speed on TT Rockstars. Work in Studio so that you can improve your average speed per question answer. You can also explore MyMaths, focusing on any unit of maths that you have struggled with.