Year 5 Maths – W/B 1st June 2020

Lessons 1 & 2

This week will begin by looking at lines of symmetry. You will need to use MyMaths to support this lesson. Use the school logon and search for the page Y5 Lines of Symmetry. Work your way through the unit and then have a look at the resources below.

Lessons 3

Today the children will be aiming to create a symmetrical butterfly! Follow the links below, starting with a mathematical warm up!

Lesson 4

Today we will review what we have have been looking at throughout the week. Use the resources below to extend your knowledge and understanding of symmetry.

Lesson 5

Spend this lesson improving your speed on TT Rockstars. Work in Studio so that you can improve your average speed per question answer. You can also explore MyMaths, focusing on any unit of maths that you have struggled with.