Year 4 Maths – W/B 15th June 2020

Overview for the week

This week we will be focusing on multiplication and the methods that we can use to solve multiplication questions. To be able to do this, we need to have a really good understanding of our times tables right the way up to 12 x 12. We recommend that you spend the first 10 minutes of each lesson this week practicing your times tables on TT Rockstars or by using ‘Hit The Button’ (which you’ll find with a simple search on google) – This extra practice will be really useful for the lessons ahead.

Lesson 1

Having had a little warm up on either TT Rockstars or Hit The Button, you can work through the two work sheets provided. There is a nice mix of written questions and word problems. Remember for word problems, use all of the information they provide you!

Lesson 2

We will be moving on from single digit multiplication and looking at multiplying a two digit by one digit number. This is something we visited right at the beginning of Year 4, so hopefully after a few practices of the method, the children should start to feel a little more comfortable with this.

If you work through the following section on My Maths- and complete the tasks and questions as you go. This will give that step by step reminder of the method to the children.

There are then some additional work sheets for the children to complete to help re-inforce the learning.

Lesson 3

Today we will be re-visiting the work and methods from yesterday’s lesson, and if we are feeling confident, we will try to apply the same method to multiplying a three digit by one digit number. It may be beneficial to revisit the My Maths pages from yesterday’s task to help address any misconceptions.

Again there are a range of questions provided which build their way up in difficulty with the end goal of multiplying three digit by two digit numbers.

Lesson 4

Hopefully the children are feeling confident at answering written multiplication questions now, what we would now like them to perfect is the ability to apply this method to word problems. It will be really important to read the questions carefully, understand what the question is asking and then pick out all of the key and relevant information.

Now work through the following sections of MyMaths and answer the relevant questions

Lesson 5

To complete the week there are number of speed sheet and times table challenges for the children to keep! Practice, practice, practice those times tables!