Year 3 Maths – W/B 29th June 2020

This week we will be looking at sequences.

Lesson 1

Complete the first day of the ‘Fluent in Five’ questions below. Some of these require written methods, others are completed mentally.

Load up this website and answer questions to gain an understanding of sequences and patterns in numbers.

Open the flip ‘sequences’ and work through the first questions. Can you identify the pattern between each number before predicting the next number in the sequence?

Complete the ‘Number Sequences’ work available below.


Can you write your own sequence and ask members of your family to identify the pattern and complete?

Lesson 2

Complete the second day of the ‘Fluent in Five’ questions below. Some of these require written methods, others are completed mentally.

Look at the following numbers….

4                 5                 7                 9                

What is the largest number you can make? What is the smallest number you can make?

What is the largest addition question you can think of? What is the smallest you can make using subtraction?

How did you answer these questions?

Open the flipchart ‘Missing numbers’ and work through the questions available, discussing the difficulties in each one. Obviously there is a number missing so discuss strategies of how to complete the sum.

You will need to understand when to use the inverse in this lesson, discuss the meaning and benefits of using the inverse.

Complete the appropriate missing number activity below.


Can you use column addition/subtraction with different parts of the sum missing? Try the sheet below. There is also a ‘Challenger’ sheet available for those in Mr Hodgkins and Mrs Stirling’s Maths set.

Lesson 3

Complete the third day of the ‘Fluent in Five’ questions below. Some of these require written methods, others are completed mentally.

Open the following MyMaths link. Work through this and play the games towards the end to gain a decent understanding of place value and ordering numbers.

You will be expected to order numbers from lowest to highest up to 1000. Complete the ‘Ordering to 1000’ activity below. If that was easy, can you complete the other ordering activities below?

You should also be able to use the signs < and > for greater and less than- use the PowerPoint below to remind yourself. Complete the ‘More than less than’ activity below.

Lesson 4

Complete ‘Summer 7’ test below. Transcript and answer sheet available. Go through the answers and see how well you did.

Lesson 5

Have you completed your MyMaths homework this week? Make sure you do!

Use today to try and smash a TTRockstar record!