Year 4 Maths – W/B 6th July 2020

Overview for the week

This week we will be focusing on shape and symmetry – This is something that we have already covered in the year so should be more of a revision/recap week.

Lesson 1

This lesson is all about triangles – how many triangles can you name? Are there any specific features you can remember?

Using the following MyMaths link

Work through the slides answering the questions and completing the tasks as you go. Upon completion your task will be to draw a scalene, isosceles, equilateral and right angle triangle. Remember to use a ruler. Once you have drawn the triangles you will need to label their features – It would great if you can measure and label the side lengths too.

Lesson 2

Today will be about exploring the terms ‘parallel’, ’perpendicular’ and ‘symmetrical’.

Take a look at the following MyMaths link:

Work through the slides answering the questions and tasks as you go. Once you have completed the task have a look at the flags of the world sheet. Your task will be to investigate these flags and their designs and try and answer the following questions…

Which flag has the has the most parallel lines within its design?

Can you find a flag with only one line of symmetry?

(You can then do this for 2, 3, 4, 5 lines of symmetry)

Which flag has the most lines of symmetry?

Can you find any flags with perpendicular lines? How many?

Lesson 3

Carrying on from yesterday’s lesson your job will be to create your own flag designs. Your task will be to start with a flag that has one line of symmetry and then work your way up adding another line of symmetry at a time to each design. Is there a maximum amount of lines of symmetry that one flag can have? 

Lesson 4 & 5

To finish the week off we will be looking at angles. Can you remember the names of the 3 types of angles that focus on in Year 4?

Look at the following MyMaths link:

Work through the slides answering the questions and completing the tasks as you go. There are a range of resources and tasks attached that you can work through. Task 3 would require to measure angles with a protractor – If you don’t have one of these at home you can complete just the estimate and type of angle section.