Year 6 DT – W/B 6th July 2020

Bridge Building Day

Today you will be researching bridge designs and the history of these. You will have the chance to design and create your own bridge.

You have previously learnt about famous Victorian scientists and engineers, can you remember the name of the famous Victorian who built bridges, amongst other things? Can you name any bridges that you know the names of already?

Task 1

Work through the following presentation. You might like to make notes on paper whilst working through the presentation. This will be used for the task later in the day.

Play the game:

Task 2

Watch these clips:

Use your new knowledge (and notes) to create an information page on bridges. You must include key information and names of at least three different types of bridges.

Task 3

Return to the ‘Bridging the Gap’ presentation (see above)

Look at the outline for the competition challenge. Look at the other example bridges made. Can you think of a company name? You are going to begin your project, but you must have a rough sketch plan before starting your build. You may want to use card which can be made into triangles, this will add strength when used with PVA glue.

You will have the freedom to create your own bridge as you wish, however there is a complete step by step guide of how to make a variety of simple bridges here:

Be aware that if you simply remake your bridge using the guides, you may not score as high in the competition!

View the judging criteria on the presentation and share a photo or video of your bridge with your class teacher.