Year 5 Geography – W/B 13th July 2020

Lesson 1 – Model Mountain Making

Have a go at making mountain models with whatever equipment you have at home – Papier-mâché, paint, clay etc. Children could try to build up the contour lines with plasticine and there is an example of what contour lines look like for the children to revise this, and consider how they can translate this to their 3D models.

This is a good website with lots of ideas that can help:  

This is a comprehensive step by step web link to making a model which may provide useful inspiration

Lesson 2 – Mountain Weather Report

This lesson requires you to become a weather man/woman and have a go at writing your own weather report, based on the climate up a mountain! You could focus on a particular mountain range, and present this in written form adding pictures and illustrations or film your own weather report and send it to your teacher.

Remember to try and answer the following questions in your report: What is the climate like on mountains? What is the weather like the higher up mountains you get? How does the weather on mountains affect the people living/travelling there?