Year 4 English – W/B 13th July 2020

Creative Writing

As this is the final week of year 4 English we are going to be focussing on creative writing. This week your teachers want to see you use everything that you have learnt over the course of this year and show off your writing skills. The PowerPoint attached has a range of different starting points for you. For example, a start to a story or a picture.

This week you are going to choose something that inspires you to write about. You can respond to anything in the PowerPoint in any different style of writing, maybe a newspaper report, a non-fiction account, a narrative, diary entry or letter. Whatever takes your fancy. Some may also require you to do some research into events, times, places etc.

The importance, however, is quality and not quantity. You might only choose 2 things from the PowerPoint as it may take you a while to plan, draft, edit and rewrite to create your final piece of work.

The main aim is to show off your creativity, include what you have learnt and enjoy the writing that you are doing!

*Don’t forget to send your teacher the different stages as well and not just your final piece – we want to see how well you can edit!